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Olufunlayo Olaitan
Nacido enNigeria
74 years
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Árbol Genealógico
Lanre Sobo ....ONLY ASLEEP September 17, 2009

April this year I had the opportunity of speaking with mummy face to face at her home and as usual always with her pleasant smiles and gentle voice, I would not have imagined that she was going to leave us so soon. Mummy Olaitan was a precious gem, a visionary and I commend her efforts in serving humanity throughout her life time. Indeed she will be deeply missed by many life’s she touched at home and abroad. I pray the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Helper will console the entire family in Jesus Name. Amen

1 Thessalonians 4:13     But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.


Ezinne MAMA THE LEGEND September 15, 2009
I Write this with sadness cos' Mama was a part of every major event in the Ikerionwu family.Only recently she was instrumental to my brother Enyioma getting married. He had tremendous respect for her just like the rest of us.She was so caring in her quiet and gentle manner. This is a loss for us all. Mama rest in peace at least i know you will be with your dear husband. Greet him and my father-in-law Prof. Njoku-obi. Bimpe,Deola,Kunle,Doyin et al take heart. IT IS WELL!!!
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