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Olufunlayo Olaitan
Born in Nigeria
74 years
Continue to Rest in Peace Mum. Miss you so
to: Olufunlayo Olaitan
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michael ogheneochuko otobor R.I.P. Mrs olaitan.a woman of substance September 21, 2009
as well wishers are mourning and weeping about your loss,i know you are overwhelmed being with the lord Jesus.continue to rest in the bosom of the lord
Ibukun Olagbemi Irreplaceable. September 21, 2009

You placed several stones in the foundation of my life.  I know that God welcomes you to his bosom now and forever.  You will live for eternity with Him, and through every life you have touched as only you could.  You have certainly earned your rest and reward.  I will never forget you.  God bless the lovely family you have left behind.

Hendrick Polanco My deepest condolences September 18, 2009

My deepest condolences.  May these few words from the Holy Scriptures bring you comfort in your time of grief...

John 11:32-45

32 And so Mary, when she arrived where Jesus was and caught sight of him, fell at his feet, saying to him: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping and the Jews that came with her weeping, groaned in the spirit and became troubled; 34 and he said: “Where have YOU laid him?” They said to him: “Lord, come and see.” 35 Jesus gave way to tears. 36 Therefore the Jews began to say: “See, what affection he used to have for him!” 37 But some of them said: “Was not this [man] that opened the eyes of the blind man able to prevent this one from dying?”

38 Hence Jesus, after groaning again within himself, came to the memorial tomb. It was, in fact, a cave, and a stone was lying against it. 39 Jesus said: “TAKE the stone away.” Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: “Lord, by now he must smell, for it is four days.” 40 Jesus said to her: “Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” 41 Therefore they took the stone away. Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.” 43 And when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Laz´a·rus, come on out!” 44 The [man] that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Loose him and let him go.”

45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him;

Please go to the following link for more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage


Foluso Shobitan NY Mummy Lives On September 17, 2009
With tears and a heavy heart, I say ADIEU to my dearest, kind, accomodating and loving big mummy. Being part of you was and is a blessing and that goes to everyone who knew you.

I lived and grew up with Uncle Yemi Bamwo who is also deceased, a paternal immediate Junior brother to mummy Olaitan, and whenever she came around to our house at Yaba she would not discriminate. It was always Foluso how is your school ? You know I expect the best from you etc.

God will teach me to learn to cope with your demise which is a big loss to me but I find solace in the belief that you are undoubtedly resting with the Lord

E sun re O till we meet to part no more.

My sister was my mother as long as she lived 


As a young boy, she gave me hope, ensured I went to school and set me on the right pedestal of life and Christian race.


She loved me with a selfless love and more than I loved myself, sponsored my education, gave me shelter and was  faithful to us like the Love of God, ensuring I charted the right course ,was never tired of listening to me and attending to my worries and she needs. She would always give and meet my every request brought before her with utmost humility and warmth.


Iya Mi was like my breath, constant like day and night, we would talk endless daily and even at three score plus she treated me like an infant and pampered me with love, affection and would ask after the wellbeing of all my children and grandchildren at great length.


Mama Mi, Mama Rere was always a channel of blessing and I owe it to God for using her for all that I am and possess today was through her support. She was always warm, cheerful and concerned about my health, wealth and day to day being.


Her love radiates like the glowing sun shining on all her siblings, children, grand children and great grand children.


Just as God gave his only begotten son to save mankind, my beloved sister lived her life giving ,giving, giving ,giving generously to all her family and church of God. She was the bond that united us in love and shouldered the responsibility of being our mother and father.


Suffice to state that my beloved sister was an angel sent to live amongst us; I cannot qualify her depth and level of love towards me, her siblings and entire family.


Your memories and good deeds will live and guide us long as the sun and the moon remains.


Words cannot convey my depth of loss and gratitude to you, however as long as blood flows through my vein surely you will forever be remembered and cherished.


We still spoke, talked and discussed with no inkling that the angels were around to usher you to Heaven.


We Bless the Name of GOD for you lived a good Christian Life





 Your Beloved Brother






I grew up knowing that I had a big mother that was in fact big enough for me and my siblings. Ever since my birth she has had a close and personal contact with our upbringing.


She was genuinely concerned and showed affection in a unique and exemplary way, at the appropriate time she showered encomiums and scolded if necessary.


She was the bond in the Banwo family acting as a big mother to all-knowing that only love unites and strengthens us.


Big Mummy was the PILLAR of the family, in Education she ensured we all had a sound and formidable education, her love for us was endless.


Her concern marvels me sometimes when at instances I visit her with issues and solutions are met within seconds, her evening conversations with me ranges from personal life to future plans.


Her laughter and smile is something I always look up to, knowing that it means delightfulness and good mood.


Her life, her ways, her actions, her style all embodies who she really was…a mother for all.


She would be remembered forever in my heart, she was a dear one…


I miss Big mummy!!!!!!!!!!







OLUWADAMILARE BANWO Mama Mi September 17, 2009

Where do I start and where do I stop? Indeed, I lack words to fully express what you meant to me and the entire Banwo family. Everything about you was different even the way you called my name. You were the only person that called my name in full all the time - OLUWADAMILARE BANWO.

Our greatest joy as kids was whenever our dad announced that we were going to Adelabu after church service. Although we saw you in church, we were always delighted because you cared so much about our personal lives.
Our education was always a priority.


You molded our lives and indeed the lives of many children through The Fountain School. You gave us an outstanding foundation. You continued to monitor our progress in school even after primary school. You were very firm yet your motherly touch was angelic.

It was not surprising that we were not afraid to discuss our future plans with you. You were always ready to listen and guide us appropriately.
You were my role model in every area of life. You always prayed for our success in life.
I could go on and on.

I can liken how i felt when i heard the news of your departure to how the disciples of Jesus Christ felt when He was crucified-totally helpless and confused about the future. I cannot believe that you are gone but it is true.


No amount of tears can ever bring you back. I will miss your tender, loving care. However, I am comforted by the fact that you have gone to a better place. My prayer is that God should give the same type of heart that you had. We love you but God loves you more.
Adieu Big Mummy





Oluwatosin Banwo Dear Mummy September 17, 2009

Dear Mummy,

Life without you will simply never be the same again. The strongest link in the family chain is broken. Your death is a devastating and terrible blow to the entire family. All my life you have played a vital role in not just my life but my entire family’s welfare. You ensured we had quality education and you were always concerned about my welfare and health.  

You were one person I was always happy and looking forward to visit because of your genuine care and concern. You always spoke words of hope and encouragement into my life.  You were always there to listen to us and offer your motherly advice and counsel and you never got tired or weary of us. With an open and loving heart, you gave your very best and that will never be forgotten.

You always had a kind word to say to all and I learnt a lot about investing in people from you. I learnt what it means to give and never expect anything in return from you. You were always there for us both as a family and also individually. You believed in our dreams and also supported us in everyway you could. You encouraged us to always do our best, be the best and be good to all. You were indeed a source of inspiration to us.

The list is simply endless.

Your presence would be always missed; your memories would always be treasured.  Although they say that memories are golden but we never only wanted memories, we also wanted you.

Big Mummy you have left a vacuum in our lives that will never be filled. Our only consolation is that we know you have fought the good fight; you have kept the faith and have finished the race. We know you are resting in the bosom of Abraham.

Rest in perfect peace Big Mummy till we meet again to part no more. Sun Re o.


Your son


Oluwatosin Banwo

ADELEKE & MONISOLA BANWO Tribute September 17, 2009

Hark herald the angels chant, Hosanna to the Lord Most High. How majestic and merciful is Our God to have blessed our lives and showed us what agape love through Mama.


The Almighty found a worthy vessel of Honor in Mama and as rain would fall on everyone her life was a blessing to all who ever met her.


We never grew up as adults with Mama and she treated us with motherly affection and my kids well.


God your awesome deeds through Mama cannot be fathomed, as the biblical injunction dictates, train up the child the way he should go so that he would not depart from it: This injunction God manifested through her in Fountain School, uncountless are the family generations that has passed through this great citadel of learning.


I easily recall the way she molded our lives and that of our children from infant till date, she nurtured and pampered us with a rare kind of motherly love that could be likened to the love Jesus had for us.


Growing up was much fun with Mama we would run to her office during our nursery days and as we grew older like a good shepherd, she would call our names, ask about our welfare and provide financial and motherly support just like Manna to the Israelites.


‘Remember the son of whom you are and the family from which you come from’ were golden words she sowed into my life as a teenager and whenever the pressures of life seem to entice me, this words and legacies kept me on the right track.


God we rejoice and give glory to your Name for the legacies of our beloved Mama, surely she has transited to greater glory she was and will continue to be the greatest bond that knitted us together as one big family, and she never wrote us off when we erred but showed extreme love.


As we grew Mama ensured she always provided guidance and has one on one discussion on several issues and then she would round it up with prophetic prayers, visiting Mama was never a dull moment as you would guaranteed to leave fulfilled and refreshed .


 We bless God for blessing our lives with a rare and selfless mother and friend like Mama, through her we felt and enjoyed the mercies, provision and love of God


Perhaps I might have been a drop out or an inferior person if I didn’t attend Fountain School or was not born into the Banwo Family.


Mama you taught us during your sojourn to be a giver , a blessing unto others and show extreme care for one another .My Mama lived an explemary life, her deeds beat with our hearts ,the love of God through her brought us far and will continue to unite our family


God you have been too good and faithful to our families through her and we look up to you alone for comfort, provision and salvation.


 My big mummy lived a Godly life and gave us hope and gave her life and all her resources to bless humanity





Mrs Olusolape Ogunlusi A Tribute to Mrs Olufunlayo Olaitan September 17, 2009

I grew up with my cousin The Late Mrs Funlayo Olaitan (nee Bamwo). She was related to me through my paternal Grandmother and was a frequent visitor to our lively family house in Oke-Bola, Ibadan. She was an extra-ordinary person, who very rarely, if ever, lost her temper. She always remained calm and collected. She was also a very simple woman who cherished family values and did everything to sustain them. She was motivated by a love and willingness to help people and not hurt them.

With a strong sense of duty, she and her late husband, Professor Sam Olaitan, accepted to be the guardians of our daughter, Funlayo when she was admitted into Queens College Lagos, as we lived in Ibadan. My Husband and I will be forever grateful for her prompt action in sending Funlayo home just in time to have her appendix removed. Her alertness and foresight successfully averted what would have been an irreplaceable loss.  

Mrs Funlayo Olaitan was a mother to her brothers and sister,and many others who might need her help,  always being there for them and ready to lend a helping hand.

We share in the sorrow of her dear children Adebimpe, Adeola, Adekunle, Adedoyin and Olumuyiwa but we are proud of the example and legacy she left for them.

On Behalf of the Abimbola and Ogunlusi families I bid her farewell until the resurrection morning when we shall meet to part no more.

May the soul of the faithful departed, in the mercy of God, rest in perfect peace. Amen.


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